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Outside The Clinic

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The Documentary

This is a seven minute radio documentary which will explore the effect pro-life protesters have on members of staff who work at abortion clinics. 

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Outside The Clinic

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About this project

Imagine you are a healthcare worker. Imagine the amount of dedication and time you put in to helping other people. Now imagine getting called “evil” or “killer” on your way into work. Imagine a row of people standing outside the entrance to your building, staring and praying, because they believe what you do is wrong. 

This is what the staff at abortion clinics all around the country have to endure, simply because they choose to work within the termination sector of healthcare. 

The harassment and intimidation of members of staff at abortion clinics has drastically increased over recent years. Clinic workers have verbal abuse shouted at them, some are followed to and from their cars and many have even received death threats from anti-abortion activists. 

This seven-minute radio documentary aims to explore the effect that the continuous presence of anti-abortion protesters have on staff members and to raise awareness of the issue. I want to investigate where the line should be drawn between freedom of speech for protesters and harassment-free working environments for service providers. 

I’m hoping that through a series of interviews I will be able to communicate to listeners what it’s like to be targeted because of your job. I also hope to discover, and share what can be done to help end the harassment and intimidation of clinic staff members across the country.  

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Personal reflection

With my documentary now finished I think it's time to reflect on the journey I've had creating and producing this piece of journalism. I...

How can we help?

As the process of producing my MMP draws to a close I thought I would take this time to highlight how people can help end the harassment...

The editing process

I am currently in the editing stage of producing my documentary and working towards refining my final piece. I had my final meeting with...

LISTEN: Interview with Abigail

At this point I have edited quite a lot of my documentary and and have decided which interviewees I am going to use, and unfortunately...

LISTEN: Helping staff cope with protests

I thought I would take some time to compile all the information I gathered on how staff at abortion clinics cope with the protesters they...

LISTEN: Hear what happened at the clinic in Cardiff

Whilst listening back to my interview with Rachael Clarke, she told me quite a shocking story about when anti-abortion protesters...

Quick Update

After visiting the abortion clinic in London and reflecting on the information and interviews I have sourced so far I feel as though I...

What I witnessed at the Streatham vigil

On Sunday 3rd November I travelled to Streatham, South London to witness a procession and vigil outside a BPAS abortion clinic. I arrived...

LISTEN: Upcoming protest!

Whilst speaking to Rachael Clarke from BPAS she informed me that once or twice a year their clinic in Streatham, South London,...

BPAS - Meet Rachael

In order to find out more about what staff members experience at abortion clinics up and down the country I contacted Rachael Clarke, the...

Speaking with a protester

When I visited the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth back in October I was not able to speak with a protester. However, in order to show both...

About the Bournemouth protesters

After speaking to three members of staff at the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth I learnt a lot more about the frequency and type of protesters...

Bournemouth Clinic - Meet Caroline

The third and final member of staff I interviewed at the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth was support service co-ordinator, Caroline Brooks....

Bournemouth Clinic - Meet Abigail

The second member of staff I interviewed at the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth was clinical nurse manager, Abigail Smith. Abigail has worked...

Bournemouth Clinic - Meet Amanda

The first staff member I interviewed at the BPAS clinic in Bournemouth was the treatment unit manager, Amanda Ewels. Amanda has worked...

Profile: BPAS Clinic Bournemouth

During my initial research of this topic, I contacted an anti-harassment organisation called Sister Supporter to find out more about what...

Abortion in the UK

Here is a quick fact file on abortion in the UK In England, Scotland and Wales, the Abortion Act 1967 makes it possible to have an...

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